4th Annual Beer, Wine & Pizza Tasting:
Another successful event in the ice rink of the Community Center on June 20. The Parks and Recreation staff really do great work. We had pizza from around the city, a good selection of craft beers and wines. Also, Silent Auction, Poker Chip and 50/50 raffles. We sold 306 tickets and were able to make $9,234.41. Please see our Sponsors/Partners under the Get Involved dropdown at the top of the page.
Humpty Dumpty Community Build:
On October 16, APCCF volunteers and citizen volunteers assisted Parks and Recreation personnel in erecting a large playscape.
Stop the Bleed:
In association with the APFD, we created a Stop the Bleed program. The program is designed to equip and train people who may be on scene of a traumatic incident prior to the arrival of trained medical personnel. This includes teachers and staff of schools and public offices. APCCF & APFD worked to purchase the supplies (tourniquets, bandages, scissors, etc.) necessary to create the kits for distribution to classrooms and offices throughout the city. APCCF paid for 295 kits at a cost of $5,247.63. Help in assembling the kits was provided by PKSA Karate of Allen Park & the APHS Honor Society. Completed kits were provided to AP Public Schools, St. Frances Cabrini Schools, Rogers Early Elementary School (NAP), Parks & Recreation, City Hall and a number of agencies within the city. Training in kit use will be done by the APFD.
Historical Home Re-roofing:
APCCF pledged $14,000.00 towards re-roofing the Historical Museum at the corner of Park Avenue and Englewood Avenue. The project was completed by Allpoint Construction, an Allen Park business, in October. A ribbon cutting was held on October 16 at which time APCCF presented our check to Allpoint and a Stop the Bleed kit for the Historical Museum.
Little Libraries:
We were awarded a grant from the Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS for $825.00 to build and install Little Libraries in city parks. Material donations from Allpoint Construction and Sherwin Williams-Outer Drive and construction and painting by the APHS Shop and Art Departments helped to keep costs down. Installation was done by Parks and Recreation. Ribbon Cuttings were held at Thomas Brand (August 13) and Pretty (July 30) Parks.
Park Benches:
A program called 'Flip Your Lids For Allen Park' was created within Parks and Recreation. It was designed to take advantage of recycling plastic bottle tops to create park benches. Over the course of the program APCCF helped to collect tops and then purchased a number of the benches. The benches were then set out at various parks. Ribbon Cuttings were held at Thomas Brand (August 13) and Pretty (July 30) Parks.
Mulch Purchase:
In July purchased 200 yards of playground mulch for $3,160.00 to be spread over six parks. They are Thomas Brand Memorial (pictured), Rourke, Pretty Family, Gingham Dog, Briere Rabbit and Champaign.
Pocket Park Grant:
We received a $24,000.00 KaBOOM! Play Everywhere Grant to install concrete games in the Pocket Park on Allen Road in our downtown. Installed were Table Tennis Table, Foosball Table, Chess Table with Stools, Corn Hole Game and a Message Board for Art Display. The Ribbon Cutting was held on August 17 and included representation from the DDA, Chamber of Commerce, the city and APCCF.