Dog Waste Disposal Units

We funded the purchase of 15 Dog Waste Disposal Units for the A.P. Parks & Recreation Department  at a cost of $2399.85.  These are devices that contain bags that owners can use to collect and dispose of dog waste so that our parks remain clean.

Vial of Life

We funded the purchase of 1,000 Vial of Life folders through the A.P. Fire Department at a cost of $2209.20.  These are magnetic folders that attach to your refrigerator door and contain important medical information you want given to First Responders in the event of an emergency.

Sixth Pizza, Wine & Beer Tasting

Another great success.  Thanks to everyone who helped and gave.  Thank you Allen Park!

259 Tickets Sold!

The following photos are courtesy of Kelton Kaye.

Kiwanis Kids Day in Duda Park:

On June 3 the Kiwanis Club of Allen Park held its annual Kids Day at Duda Park.   APCCF, again, had the honor of donating $100 to help the return of the event.

Beautification Commission Vests:

On April 19, APCCF paid to have 'Allen Park Beautification Commission' silk screened onto 25 vests for the Beautification Commission at a cost of $85.