APCCF was able to purchase 16 STEAM Launchpads for the Allen Park Library for $2880 in September.
Big Time Mulch Purchase
We were able to purchase $7,260 worth of mulch for five (5) parks in the city in September:
Thomas Brand Memorial Park
Champaign Park
Harold Duda Park
John Riel Park
Sudman Park
Fifth Pizza, Wine & Beer Tasting
We're Back and the Event was a great success. Thanks to everyone who helped and gave. It's nice to be an Allen Parker!
231 Tickets Sold!
At the left are the APCCF Board members who were able to make the event. l to r: Maureen Stauder (Treasurer), Jeannette MacDonald, Jane Spellacy, Edward Wurtzbacher (Event Chair), Amanda Wertz, Kurt Mazag (Board President) and Gail McLeod (Secretary).
This, and following Photos courtesy of Jim Jacek.
Culver's Scoops of Thanks:
On May 5 Culver's held its annual Scoops of Thanks event to benefit APCCF. We, in turn, are dedicating the $300 in proceeds to an account to benefit our local Library.
Kiwanis Kids Day in Duda Park:
On June 4 the Kiwanis Club of Allen Park resumed its annual Kids Day at Duda Park. APCCF had the honor of donating $100 to help the return of the event.